Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Photos

I have to go either vomit or poop or both RIGHT NOW! But go check out some new pics of the trip if interested. I've made it easy for you too! Check out the new link on the right side of the screen!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh- WAAAAAY too much info there...Hope it "all came out ok".
WaitNO! PLEEEEEZ don't tell me if it did or not! I feel your pain. But the photos are fantastic- thanks! I'm amazed that you can keep this blog up and write so well under "certain circumstances". Looking forward to and blog, that is.

Anonymous said...

your writing is grand! love reading it! it is the 1st blog I have really kept up on a day 2 day basis.... love the pics! am kinda jealous on the sand & beach pics though...kinda cold and snowy here...(like 20's and lots o' inches!)

James said...

Thanks guys!!! I do it all for you!Feeling better today and only had the squirts upon waking...gotta thank Steve and Sharon again for the charcoal pills thing, it does help.